Spinal Restoration – Newer Approach to Cure Spine
Every year more than 2.5 million people in India are suffering from neck and back pain due to sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercises. All these patients go to a Hospital wherein they are advised surgery for back and neck pain which in many cases are not necessary and will not provide any improvement in patient’s condition. Moreover will always be in risk of some form of paralysis due to the surgery. Most of the back and neck issues arise due to improper posture, weak musculature which in turn causes compression of nerve in long term.

All of this can be avoided by Specialised Rehabilitation in Physioline. For Back and Neck Pain we have introduced a Spinal Restoration programme wherein we use a combination of Global Technology for the recovery of the patient’s condition. Combination therapy consists of combination of various international modalities from Australia, Germany, USA, Italy for rehabilitating the patient to best of his/ her condition. The combination Therapy has been introduced in India by Physioline we have been pioneers in the field of rehabilitation from 1999.

Spinal Restoration will include the use of International Technology along with Chiropractic which will ensure a hundred percent recovery in the patient’s condition.

Spinal Restoration programme has shown 95% success rate in patients who were advised surgery and 90% improvement in the lifestyle of patients.