Corporate Sector (IT industry, MNCs)
Physioline with great pleasure would like to be associated with your reputed company in the interest of your employees. Our aim is to promote ‘Health Awareness’ amongst your employees and to improve their performance at work by reducing stress caused due to prolonged illness. We at Physioline can provide the perfect and ultimate solution for these problems.

We are enlisting some of the commonest repetitive stress related problems:-

Work-related musculo-skeletal problems
1) Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)/Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs)
- Are caused by repetitive motions that would not result in undue stress or harm if only performed once.
- Neck Pain, Back Pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, tendonitis, etc.
2) Aches and Pains
- Due to long and awkward postures
- Sprain, strains etc
3) Bone Injuries
- Due to traumatic or high stressors

Causes of above mentioned injuries
External Factors: Environmental stressors- for example: Heat, Radiation, Vibration, Noise, Pollution, Ill Designed Workplace.
Internal Factors:- Hereditary diseases like arthritis, cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, and psychological factors like depression, obsessive behavior and bad posture
Modifications by Physioline
Sometimes small modifications to work procedures, posture, habits, and/or work station design can make a big difference in the way you feel at the end of a day.
There are many obvious benefits of applying ergonomics in the workplace. Few are listed below:-
Benefits of Ergonomics at workplace
- Lesser work-related injuries and physical ailments
(For example- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in software and computer professionals) - Lesser rate of absenteeism
- Improved performance
- Better productivity

Physioline can evaluate and administer ergonomic interventions that could help take your institution to great heights. These scientifically proven and researched techniques improve and maintain the overall health of the employees and levels of job satisfaction. Mandatory in most western countries, ergonomic workplaces are picking up the pace in India very fast.
Physioline Ergonomics Program consists of:-
- Assessment: Worker, Workplace and Task.
- Intervention: Education, Advice, Pain Management, Functional restoration, Work conditioning, Work hardening, Workstation Modification, Evaluation, Rehabilitation & Return-to-Work.
- Education: Explanation about injury/pain and management of pain and disability.
- Advice: on staying active, rest and return to work.
- Pain Management: using behavioral principle.
- Functional Restoration:
- Work Conditioning: work related physical rehabilitation aimed at restoring the client’s physical health and function so that he can return to, maintained at or upgraded at work. This can be done by specialized Physiotherapy and simulated work to restore systemic, musculo-skeletal, neurological and cardio-pulmonary functions.
- Work Hardening: Highly structured, goal oriented, individualized treatment aimed at maximizing the individual’s ability to return to work. It not only addresses physical fitness but also psychological and specific fears and tolerance.

We will observe and evaluate the worker and work environment. After identification of the problems, we will discuss the intervention plan with the management. On Agreement of the plan, the modifications can be implemented and therapy can commence. Then, a weekly consultation can be provided at the company premises which will record and maintain the positive changes. The employees can also avail of the discounts Physioline offers to them upon the tie-up of the company with Physioline.


- Discounted packages of treatment for all our alliance partners.
- Priority based treatments for all our alliances.
- Speedy Appointments of consultation for all our alliances.
- Internationally accredited medical facilities using the latest technologies.
- Group therapy sessions on request.
- Home based treatment implementations on request.
- All our alliance partners will get an health care professional assigned to them for all their needs in Physioline.
- All our alliances will get an opportunity to be listed on our website.
- On- site treatment will be arranged on request.
- Highly qualified Rehabilitation team and support staff to assist them.
- Options for hotel accommodations, travel services during your stay and many other
Video Testimonial
Initiate an alliance - tie up
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