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Golf Injury Rehabilitation Center

Improve your Golf Game with Functional Rehabilitation

Some people may think of golf as a sport that doesn't require much physical fitness. You see some professionals on TV that look like they have never set foot in a gym. Don’t be mistaken though. The top pros in the world have an intense training regimen that keeps them physically fit and able to play at a top level for many years.

The golf swing is one of the most dynamic motions in sports. Although it is low impact, the golf swing puts an immense amount of stress on the body that can cause it to break down and become injured. Most professional golfers will injure themselves due to overuse where an amateur will injure themselves due to poor swing mechanics and limitations in fitness. In a typical season 60% of professionals and 40% of amateurs will report an injury.

Golf is an invigorating sport that can sometimes have serious physical repercussions if you do not know how to properly move your body during play.


What is golf rehab?

Golfers of all ages can participate in the golf physical therapy program of Physioline. Golfers will be assessed on their overall functional movement by going through a series of mobility and stability movements designed to grade, record and analyze the body’s movement. The total picture of your body and swing are assessed to help optimize your personal performance and minimize pain and risk of future injury.

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Assessment of condition

sports injury clinic

What are the benefits?

Whether you are a novice golfer, weekend golfer or a professional, this golf physical therapy rehab program is for you. There are countless benefits to this unique program, including:

  • Total body movement assessment
  • Corrective exercise application
  • Strength training specific to golf
  • Decreased painful movement patterns
  • Decreased risk of further injury
  • Play the game of golf for longer with greater efficiency
  • Education in weight training for golf
  • Golf training exercises and fitness programs

Preventive Rehabilitation

Note to Golfer

A golfer can spend hundreds of dollars on the latest equipment, but may forget that golf fitness training for the body is the most important tool. Strength training for golf and golf exercise training are vital aspects of improving and maintaining your golf game.

Golf Performance Fitness Program

The Performance evaluation will lead to a personalized performance fitness program designed to address physical limitations as they relate to a golfer’s swing. This will maximize a golfer’s potential as well as correct and improve any physical limitations. Recognizing that setting aside several hours per day for golf fitness is unrealistic, taking steps in the right direction with whatever time is available will make a difference on the course.

sports injury centre

Taping techniques for Golf Player

Our Main Objective:--

Pain relief with Healing of the Area.

You have less time for the next competition and you need to achieve your fitness levels before the same

At Physioline we focus on 4 stages

Stage 1:

Pain Management with Healing and Recovery

Stage 2:

Strength Training

Stage 3:

Peak performance functional training

Stage 4:


Some of the Common Injuries Encountered by the Golf Players are as follows

sports injury physiotherapy

On field Rehabilitation provided by Physioline to Golf Players

Leg Injuries

Paralysis & Pain Treatment Center | Physioline

At Physioline We follow

Immediate treatment will involve the ‘POLICE’ protocol.

  • Protection
  • Optimal loading rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

Once properly healed, the player can start Golf specific drills, including jumping, running and sprinting.

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Combination Therapy is the major Tool used for Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Why You must come to Physioline?

  • Achieve Breakthrough Results.
  • Fastest recovery time in India.
  • Combination Therapy Usage for the first time in India.
  • 17 years of Experience in Combating Pain.
  • World-class Technological Advances under one roof.
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Highlights of Our Treatment

  • Innovative Sports Rehabilitation Programs for faster recovery.
  • Unique treatment Approach for the first time in India.
  • Continuous Up gradation of Professional skills and techniques.
  • Sportsmen could return to their sport within shortest span.
  • Highest Success Percentages achieved in India.

We attend all Sports Related Emergencies

Paralysis & Pain Treatment Center | Physioline

sports injury therapy clinic

Conditioning with Strength Training

Unique Core Muscles Conditioning Programs

Unique Strengthening Programs

Spinal Strengthening Programs

Specially Designed programs for Golfers

Core Muscles Strengthening Program

Functional Rehabilitation


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