Are you worried about your parent’s slow movements and change in posture?
Do they have difficulty to hold onto an object?
Are they having finger rolling movements in the hands?
Wondering how to help them improve from Parkinsonism?
We at Physioline can help you your parents recover from this problem and help them live their life to the fullest in turn improving longevity and quality of life.
Let’s Understand what your parents are going through
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer’s motor skills and speech.
Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that affects nerve cells, or neurons, in a part of the brain that controls muscle movement.
Characteristic Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Tremors: Involuntary trembling of the limbs
Rigidity: Stiffness of the muscles
Akinesia: Lack of movement or slowness in initiating and maintaining movement
Postural instability: Characteristic bending or flexion of the body, associated with difficulty in balance and disturbances in gait.

The following are some of the other symptoms
Primary Symptoms
Bradykinesia – Slowness in voluntary movement such as standing up, walking, and sitting down. This happens because of delayed transmission signals from the brain to the muscles.
Tremors – Often occur in the hands, fingers, forearms, foot, mouth, or chin. Typically, tremors take place when the limbs are at rest as opposed to when there is movement.
Rigidity – Otherwise known as stiff muscles, often produce muscle pain that is increased during movement.
Poor Balance – Happens because of the loss of reflexes that help posture. This causes unsteady balance which oftentimes leads to a fall.
Parkinson’s Gait – A common walk of somebody with Parkinson’s disease. It includes shuffling, head down, shoulders drooped, lack of arm swing, and leaning backwards or forwards unnaturally. Initiating walking is difficult and freezing mid-stride is common.

Secondary Symptoms
- Constipation
- Difficulty swallowing; saliva and food that get caught in the mouth or in the back of the throat may cause choking, coughing, or drooling
- Sialorrhoea-excessive salivation
- Excessive sweating
- Loss of bowel and/or bladder control
- Loss of intellectual capacity
- Psychosocial: anxiety, depression, isolation
- Scaling, dry skin on the face or scalp
- Slow response to questions
- Small cramped handwriting
- Soft, whispery voice
Let’s change it together
We aim to enable people with Parkinson’s disease to maintain their maximum level of mobility, activity and independence through the monitoring of their condition and the targeting of the appropriate physical treatment. A range of approaches to movement rehabilitation, which with education and support are employed to maximise functional ability, minimize secondary complications and enhance quality of life over the whole course of the disease.
Time Matters
Every day is Important
Early you start your Neurorehabilitation process sooner you can achieve your goals towards Recovery.
Neurorehabilitation With Combination Therapy Is The ONLY Answer for Achieving Highest Percentage Of Results In Parkinson’s Disease/ Neuroplasticity
Why You must come to Physioline?
- Achieve Breakthrough Results with Robotics for the first time in India.
- Fastest recovery time in India.
- Combination Therapy Usage for the first time in India.
- 17 years of Experience in Combating Paralysis
- World-class Technological Advances under one roof.

Highlights of Our Treatment
- Innovative Programs for achieving the priorities of every patient.
- Unique treatment Approach for the first time in India.
- Continuous Up gradation of Professional skills and techniques.
- Patients could achieve activities of daily living in shortest timeframe.
- Neurorehabilitation implemented for medical tourism patients for the first time in India.
- Highest Success Percentages for Parkinsonism achieved in India.
Innovation with Expertise
Programs with most Innovative Approach
Unique Care and Therapeutics
Goal Acheievements
Journey to Recovery

Video Testimonials
Success Stories
I was detected with a brain tumour glioblastoma 2 yrs back and I was operated 1 yr back for the same. Since 6 months I have been on Chemotherapy. Because of tumor my left side is completely paralyzed and I was not able to walk, get up from the bed and transfer myself. I used to feel mentally very drained after the chemotherapy sessions but since the time I have started treatment from Physioline I am able to walk with support and post sessions I feel I am gaining lot of strength and endurance. Thanks to Physioline.MR AMIT RASTOGI Mumbai Brain Tumor operation
My life came to a standstill when I suffered from paralysis. I hated the feeling of living like a vegetable life.The overall treatment was very helpful .Dr.Sanjay Bakshi took personal care and his weekly visit were giving a good boost to both of us. Dr.Rahul Rawat was very punctual in his timings and very sincere during his sessions he is also caring.He always told me that I will soon get alright.He is very hardworking,caring and enthusiastic in sessions.Dr.Sanjay Bakshi used to guide him properly. Dr.Sanjay Bakshi used to guide him properly and Dr.Rahul used to follow all instructions properly. We both are sincerely thankful to Dr.Sanjay Bhakshi and his whole team.They have increased my confidence that “YES” I will soon be alright.their sincererity is worth appreciating.I was amaized by the technological development in the treatment.I am sure that one day Physioline centre will one day become a wonderful Study Institute,where lot of doctors will study and help the society.Mrs.Kalpana Vijay Sonavane Stroke
Dear Dr Sanjay Bakhshi and Physioline Team .On behalf of my Daughter (Miss Tolulope) and my wife,We sincerely thank you and your staff for the warm reception accorded us for the two months of my Daughters paralysis rehab at your centre,Andheri west,Mumbai.Her two months of treatment has shown significant changes in my daughters ability to walk and solidify her stability. She has achieved very good recovery with this treatment. In this regards,we thank you and your entire staff once again for the great job of professional work they have performed in making my daughter a physically much better person.Mr and Mrs Alegbe Operated Case of Brain Tumour—from Nigeria
My name is Indrajeet Patil and my wife name is Manju Patil.We both are young and working in pune. My wife age is 26 years. She was working in Patni computers. Unfortunately she got Brain Stroke i.e Thalamus Infarct. So she lost her both hands and legs and all four limbs got affected with paralysis. She was not able to walk or grip anything. After starting treatment with Dr Bakhshi’s Physioline she was able to walk without support within 2 months of treatment and also the hands improved significantly. I am very happy to take treatment here bmy wife got well and good recovery. Thanks to Dr Sanjay Bakhshi and his team at Physioline.Indrajeet and Manju Patil Brain Stroke