Work Rehabilitation Program
Injuries at work can occur suddenly, such as a slip or fall, or slowly over time with repetitive strain on an area of the body. If you are injured at work,you can contact Physioline for the timely Pain and Injury management.We will perform your initial assessment and then decide your further treatment program. Workplace injuries are a common problem.
We offer programs that provide :
- Workplace injury rehabilitation.
- Work site assessments
- Prevention ergonomic advice.

Program Objectives of Physioline
Our aim is to promote ‘Health Awareness’ amongst your employees and to improve their performance at work by reducing stress caused due to prolonged illness. We at Physioline can provide the perfect and ultimate solution for these problems.We are enlisting some of the commonest repetitive stress related problems:

Work-related musculo-skeletal problems:
1) Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)/Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) - are caused by repetitive motions that would not result in undue stress or harm if only performed once.
- carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, tendonitis, back pain etc.
2)Aches and Pains- due to long and awkward postures
-sprain, strains etc
What are the Therapy benefits?
We focus on an active injury approach to restoring function and return to work. Whether your workplace injury has occurred from an accident or from overuse, you will find us programs helpful to:
- Relieve Your Pain
- Strengthen & Flexibility
- Improve Your Functional Abilities
- Coordinate Your Return To Work
- Provide Ergonomic Advice
- Provide Workplace Injury Prevention

Modifications by Physioline
Sometimes small modifications to work procedures, posture, habits, and/or work station design can make a big difference in the way you feel at the end of a day.
There are many obvious benefits of applying ergonomics in the workplace. Few are listed below:
Benefits of Ergonomics at workplace:
1) Lesser work-related injuries and physical ailments
(For example- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in software and computer professionals)
2) Lesser rate of absenteeism
3) Improved performance
4) Better productivity

Physioline can evaluate and administer ergonomic interventions that could help take your institution to great heights. These scientifically proven and researched techniques improve and maintain the overall health of the employees and levels of job satisfaction. Mandatory in most western countries, ergonomic workplaces are picking up the pace in India very fast.
Physioline Ergonomics Program consists of
- Assessment: Worker, Workplace and Task.
- Intervention: Education, Advice, Pain Management, Functional restoration, Work conditioning, Work hardening, Workstation Modification, Evaluation, Rehabilitation & Return-to-Work.
- Education: Explanation about injury/pain and management of pain and disability.
- Advice: on staying active, rest and return to work.
- Pain Management: using behavioral principle.
- Functional Restoration:
- Work Conditioning: work related physical rehabilitation aimed at restoring the client’s physical health and function so that he can return to, maintained at or upgraded at work. This can be done by specialized physiotherapy and simulated work to restore systemic, musculo-skeletal, neurological and cardio-pulmonary functions.
- Work Hardening: Highly structured, goal oriented, individualized treatment aimed at maximizing the individual’s ability to return to work. It not only addresses physical fitness but also psychological and specific fears and tolerance.

Preventive Rehabilitation
Our Rehab Specialist will observe and evaluate the worker and work environment. After identification of the problems, he will discuss the intervention plan with the management. On Agreement of the plan, the modifications can be implemented and therapy can commence. Then, a weekly consultation can be provided at the company premises which will record and maintain the positive changes. The employees can also avail of the discounts Physioline offers to them upon the tie-up of the company with Physioline.
We undertake Corporate Alliance
We attend Pain Emergencies in the most efficient manner.
Begin your Journey to Recovery at Physioline
Combination Therapy is the ONLY Answer for Pain Management
Why You must come to Physioline?
- Achieve Breakthrough Results.
- Fastest recovery time in India.
- Combination Therapy Usage for the first time in India.
- 17 years of Experience in Combating Pain.
- World-class Technological Advances under one roof.

Highlights of Our Treatment:--
- Innovative Programs to prevent Surgery.
- Unique treatment Approach for the first time in India.
- Continuous Up gradation of Professional skills and techniques.
- Patients could avoid surgical intervention in the past.
- Spinal Restoration implemented for medical tourism patients for the first time in India.
- Highest Success Percentages achieved in India.

International Approach to handle Pain
Unmatched treatment Protocols for first time in India
Unmatched treatment Protocols for first time in India

Video Testimonials :
Success Stories
My condition was so severe that my legs were not able to hold my body up, yet within couple of treatment session at Physioline I was mobile again. Now I walk with more confidence and my pain is completely vanished. Convenient and comfortable journey with Physioline.Dr.Sanjay Bakhshi was very supportive and talented. Really I am relieved from the problem. Equipments are highly updates. God bless the whole team of Physioline.Mrs.Shamsinisa Shaikh Knee pain
The treatment was absolutely painless, done with extremely advanced sophisticated machines. The treatment has been very fantastic. The place is good and the doctors are very friendly. My overall experience has been awesome.Mr.Amit Verma Back Pain/Foot Pain
I have found DR.BAKHSHI to be very professional in all aspects. His extensive knowledge combined with practical, hands on experience certainly assisted me in full recovery from an really back neck ache that prevented me from either moving my neck from left to right or sleeping well at night but treatment at PHYSIOLINE was magical my pain is completely relieved and now have resume my work back.SHAH , India Neck pain
My condition was so severe that my legs were not able to hold my body up, yet within couple of treatment session at physioline I was mobile again. Now I walk with more confidence and my pain is completely vanished, the result was amazing the alternative treatment used at physioline made a vast improvement to my mobility. All thanks to expertize team of physiotherapist at physioline.MR.KIRAN PILLAI, India Knee pain